Happy New Year 2024
Posted February 2, 2024 at 12:00 am

Happy New Year! I started posting TQ to Tapastic in late January 2014, meaning the comic is now TEN YEARS OLD!

Despite working on it for 10 years, I've noticed that the only time it was ever allowed to be my top priority was when I was preparing it for print. I want 2024 to be the year I put TQ first and make as many new pages for it as I can, and get the story moving along a bit faster. One page a week just isn't enough.

In 2023 I planned breaks in advance, but this year I want to try making longer updates since one page at a time can get people lost. My update schedule might be a bit chaotic as I adjust to this and I appreciate everyone's patience. If you aren't currently using an RSS reader (I use Feedly!) I highly recommend setting yourself up with one to easily subscribe to my site so you never miss an update!

Eros & Psyche is wrapping up! The final chapter is over and I will be making an epilogue and editing some older pages but I'm not putting anything on hold for that the way I did with TQ since I'm not going to rush to print this time. I look forward to using my new free time to work on fun short comics and give myself a break from trying to maintain two long stories at once.

I'm also getting around to cross-posting the comic to Webtoon and working to get ads taken off of my site. It's going to be a busy year!
