Page 0124
Posted October 16, 2020 at 12:00 am
See how fun it is to have your personal space invaded?

I have an Instagram now! @allidrawscomics 

I also have a Pillowfort and a Pixiv but idk how many people use those. 

I've never actually used an RSS feed before but I signed up for Feedly this week and suddenly I find myself wasting so much less time checking to see if the comics I follow have updated or not. All Hiveworks and Webtoon comics have an RSS link, so I can just check one spot to keep up to date with everything. If I had known how easy it was to deal with I would have done this forever ago. A comic goes on hiatus? I know right away when they come back even if social media algorithms hide their posts from me. A comic updates on random days? No more guess work! Some folks have been begging Hiveworks for an app to do exactly what an RSS feed does and there's really no need. 

This kind of thing will end up coming in handy this year with TQ because there's a lot of Friday holidays this Fall/Winter. I don't want to put pages out on holidays and I want to thank you all for being so patient over the summer, so I plan on having a couple of weeks with multiple update days to try and squeeze a few more pages into 2020. If you want to read the pages early we're like 6 pages ahead on Patreon right now and I have another 7 that I'm hoping to finish by the end of the month. November (and likely December) will be thumbnail hell as I try to finish the remainder of volume 1. 